Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Here we go

I am going to try to use this blog as a way to document my experiences as a mommy. I have tried to capture my thoughts and things going on in the past but have become complacent and lazy about it. here's hoping this will go a little easier than past attempts.

At this point Little Wyatt is a month old.
It has been a fascinating experience to become a mommy. Everyone who has traveled a similar path will tell you something similar however until you do it... you don't know it.

Labor and delivery did not go as easily as I had intended or planned for ( that'll show me to plan ahead). I remember thinking during labor that I was in it alone( although the room was full of cheerleaders). This little person was depending on my strength and ability to push his little soul into life.
For a few minutes I decided I didn't want too and more over couldn't. THEN something happened... a little spark of determinination or perhaps I was to the point of dying and a little more strength came my way.
Everyone had told me that you forget how bad it is. I haven't forgotten. I'm not sure that you forget as much as you think " hmmm I've done it once surely I can do it again).

I tell you what though... that Dugger woman is not right in the head.

The days around delivery are a blur and for good reason... I did not enjoy being a patient at BMH.

The days after birth have been a tremendous learning curve. Perhaps the greatest of my life. Wyatt is a great baby. he tends to communicate very well. Although I am tired and feel like I can't do enough to make his life the best at this point it has been a fun transition.

This week I am learning/battling what it takes to go places with a baby.
Today I needed to go to the post office but couldn't carry the baby thing plus the package I needed to mail. It was an ordeal that has prompted me to look for a baby sling.
I hear Moby slings are nice but I haven't decided just yet.

This weekend there is an infant toddler show in indy that I'd like to go too but I'm afraid to take Wyatt into that crowd given he has no vaccines yet etc...
I don't want to leave him with anyone though becuase I do not want to jack with our breastfeeding routine yet.
SO that is my next dilemma.

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