Tuesday, June 9, 2009

sore and whipped

I decided I needed to jump start my workouts so I signed myself up for a turbokick training. Mind you that I have missed this training in my own gym where I could have participated for free three different times. However now was the time and I was ready for the punishment.

I reminded myself that it could not be as hard as body pump, body combat training or childbirth. I had survived those three things so this one day would be ok.

What I learned about myself during this 8 hour experience was that I am much more aware of my aches and pains now than I was when I was in my early 20's.
I turn 30 in about a month and my Knees and other joints were indeed experiencing some interesting pressure not felt previously.

I did have fun taking the training although there were times when I didn't know what was going on and I thought the instructors upper cuts and hooks looked too simlar to tell apart at the high speed.
What I like about the program is the music and the 32 count combos that are already created.
I also liked that do not have to teach it at a gym that is licensed to have the class.
This has been a problem with body pump and body combat as there are NO gyms under an hour a way that offer either class here in town!

What I dislike is that I am not connected to a good instructor group here in town to help me get better. I've considered trying to connect with one of the gyms in Indy for some instructor to instructor accountabilty.

In the end I was super sweaty and had a good time. It was nice to show up and be a participant as opposed to hosting or being responsible for the event.
It was a nice although painful gift for mommy!

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