It's been way to long since I tried my hand at this.
Little Wyatt is 18 months old and only 2 months away from being a big brother!
I'm terrible at taking baby belly pictures but will try to be better for the next few weeks!
This pregnancy has flown by compared to the first one. My favorite difference is that I have been able to keep my weight gain in check and have not gone off the deep end. At this point I'm also still able to exercise quite a bit! ( teaching 3 classes on 4 days a week!)
Over the summer we have had lots of first for Wyatt. I'll try to highlight the ones I've captured.
This was our first 1/4 marathon together.
Wyatt did great and really enjoyed the snack stations... Mama on the otherhand was good for 4 of the 6 miles and then got pretty sore. Hard to know your limits until you try right? We finished and then took great naps!
We also went to the zoo! Wyatt was cool with the zoo as long as he could be face to face with the animals. The big ones that had no interest in us were not that appealing! Pictured in the top!
We also went to Highland park in Kokomo to see the big stuff steered and play in the park.
First time on a swing! I think he liked it!

Good Ole Aunt Donna, Kayla, Matt and the kids came for a visit which was a BLAST.
She took Wyatt down the slide which was also pretty fun!
We also had a sweet 16 photo shoot!

Just a few of my favs
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