Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Start of Spring

Where are we?

Good question

We are in grand chaos!
Wyatt turned 2 this past Sunday. Such a fantastic time to reflect on the changes we’ve experienced over the last 2 years. Also a time to be overwhelmed when I think about what is to come.
Wade turns 4 months this week. The development of an infant is nothing short of amazing. I really want to capture and savor every new discovery with both my lil guys!
It seems overnight Wyatt learned all of the words for his body parts ( eye, nose, ears, toes, belly, etc) and we also discovered that he HATES the song “ Happy Birthday”. He will way-lay you as you try to sing it!
Eric is approaching the light at the end of the tunnel at BSU. After several semesters of “trudging” and TRUDGING through the academic hoopla he is approaching the end. Although he has come across some really enlightening professors and instructors the folks he’s had to choose for mentors within his department have been a little less than exciting ( or helpful). So he and I ( the power team of Brains and Bronze) have fully engaged in the job search. What an exhausting task it is!
So far so good. He has a tremendous amount of experience and completing only strengthen his vita!
So we’ll see what unfolds next!

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